Return & Refund Policy
Returns Policy:
You have 14 days from the date of delivery to return the item to us.
How do I exchange an item for another size?
If you would like to exchange for another size, just follow the exchange instructions.
How to I return an order?
To return an item to us, simply follow the below instructions.
How long to refunds take?
Once received back, we aim to process all returns within 10 business days. Once your refund has been issued you will receive an email from us confirming the details. Times vary for the funds to reach your bank account, depending on your payment method and the bank you use, but you can generally expect to see the funds within 3-7 business days of your refund being issued.
'Made to order' products are purchased by HUH. Store from the manufacturer at the customers request. These items are designated as ‘Bespoke and customised goods’ under the Consumer Rights Act 2015 and are exempt from cancellation and refund rights.
All 'made to order' products are subject to the supplier's lead-time guidance. The lead-times stated on product pages are estimated, based on the supplier's manufacturing and shipping times at the time of purchase. While the lead-time will be accurate in the vast majority of cases, occasionally there are circumstances that can lead to delays with orders. In this case, we will endeavour to contact you and keep you informed with an updated lead-time.
Gift cards:
Gift cards are non-refundable after purchase. If an order purchased using a gift card is returned to us, the gift card will be reimbursed for the value of the returned goods.
Returns Address:HUH. Store Returns
Unit 21a Barton Business Park
New Dover Road